TK/Kinder Welcome Packet & FAQs

Hello and Welcome to the Olinda family! Here’s some introductory info to get you started:

TK/K Welcome Packet

Inside you’ll find:

  • Attendance Information
  • Uniform Policy
  • Bell Schedule (tentative)
  • School Map
  • Academic Calendar
  • Before/After Care Options
  • School Communications
  • School Lunch Programs
  • Volunteer Badging Process
  • Parent Involvement
  • Olinda PTA At-a-Glance
  • PTA Board Member Contact List
  • CAPTA Member Perks
Kindergarten FAQs

Will I get a school supply list before school starts? The PTA posts supply lists on their website: Once you know your classroom assignment, you can check to see if it’s posted there. Because classroom assignments are not finalized until the Friday before school starts, teachers do not expect you to have your supplies ready for the first week of school. Do bring a backpack, lunch box (if your student is not buying cafeteria lunch), snack, and change of clothes for the first few days.

Can my child bring a favorite toy or blanket to school? We understand that the transition to Kindergarten can be daunting. However, our teachers are well-equipped to ease them into their new environment without the use of toys/soothers from home. Children cannot play with personal toys during school hours, even recess, so please set the precedent that these items stay at home.

What should I do if my child loses one of their belongings? Our main lost and found is located just outside the parent room. Sometimes lunch items may be located on top of the cabinet next to the food service window in the MPR. Items left on the TK playground may also be hanging on the gate between Ms. Barrios and Ms. Yagi’s classrooms.

Where can I drop off an item that my child forgot at home? How can I get a message to my child in the middle of the day? If you need to communicate with your child or give them an item while school is already in session, please talk to the front office staff. This helps keep class disruptions to a minimum, thank you for your cooperation!


I’m worried my child will cry when I leave. What is the best way to handle dropoff in the first few weeks of school? While it is natural for many children to cry and cling to their parents the first few times they are dropped off at a new school, the best way to handle the separation is by staying calm, giving lots of goodbye hugs and kisses, and then leaving when you say you will, even if your child is still crying. Many times children settle down more easily when their parents are not hanging around outside the classroom, peeking through the windows, or lingering to give one last hug. Rest assured, your teacher will be there to comfort and support your child, and if their behavior after separation is severe, your teacher will notify the office to have you come back. Also, take preventative measures beforehand! Talk to your child in the weeks leading up to school about what school will be like, when you will pick them up, new friends they will make, etc. and schedule a few playdates with friends to ease separation anxiety on the first day.

What things will my child need to be able to do independently before school starts? Please help your child learn to use the bathroom independently before starting school. TK students have their own bathroom in the classroom, K students use the buddy system when walking down the hall to the bathroom. Lunch aids are available to help open juice boxes, tupperware, etc. during lunch time, but please try to pack lunches in easy-to-open containers when possible. Learning to write their name, knowing how to treat a book, having good listening skills, and being able to sit still for 15 minutes at a time are also important skills you can begin working with your child to master over the summer. Although not necessary, practicing their alphabet and numbers 1-10 will give them a jump start on their school year!

Is there a school-wide disciplinary system? What behaviors warrant disciplinary action? Please see the Olinda Student Handbook:

Classroom Placement

Can I ask for a specific teacher or request a change of class? It is the policy of the school board that parents do not request a class for their child. Classes are planned by teachers and staff taking a number of factors into consideration including student personality, peer groupings, academic readiness, etc. to ensure the optimum learning environment for all the children at the school.

When will I find out what teacher my child has? Class lists are posted on the outside wall of Room 9 (facing the MPR) on the Friday before school starts at 5pm.

Who do I talk to if I have a concern about my child’s teacher, a classmate, or about a general school issue? Your teacher is the best place to start the conversation. They know your child best and have experience dealing with most issues that may arise. If the concern remains after talking with them, you may schedule an appointment to meet with Ms. Randhawa by calling the front office.


What are the school office hours? 8am-4pm

What time can we begin arriving at school? You may arrive as early as 8am, but please keep in mind that there is no supervision provided for your child until school starts. Please stay with your child if you arrive early for school. Breakfast is served in the MPR starting at 7 am. Students may sit with their parents and eat there prior to 8am.

Where can I park when dropping off/picking up my child? There is limited parking located in the circle by the front entrance to the school. Please do not park or drop off beyond the fence unless you have a handicap placard. This area is reserved for school staff only. Please do not park along the curb of the front circle, this is a fire zone. There is ample neighborhood parking available, please be courteous to our neighbors and do not block driveways.

Where should I drop off/pick up my child? At the Kindergarten & TK levels, we ask that you walk your child to and from their classroom door each day. TK students will need to be signed in and out.

What if I’m running late to pick up my child? Children not picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal will be sent to the office to wait. Please try to send a trusted friend or relative to get your child if you are running very late. Don’t forget that every Wednesday is a modified minimum day schedule to allow for teacher collaboration! See the bell sechedule here:

Is there before/after care available? Childcare is provided through the YMCA’s Y-Care program. Their contact information is available here:

What is the tardy/absence policy? We ask that all students arriving more than 5 minutes late for school check in at the front office and obtain a tardy slip. Absences should be reported to the school office. Please keep in mind that our school obtains funding based on average daily attendance of our students, so help us keep absences to a minimum! If you know your student will miss more than 5 days of school and would like your student to get credit for their attendance, you may request an independent study packet at least one week in advance. Refer to the Olinda student handbook for more information:

How do I buy lunch for my child? The easiest way to manage their lunch account is online at

Are we elligible for the free lunch program? How do we apply? Even if you’re not sure you’ll use the free lunch program or if you’ll qualify, you should still submit an application: School funding under the LCFF is, in part, determined by the number of students on the free lunch program!

Can parents be in the classroom? How do I volunteer? Speak to your child’s teacher about ways they can use parent support in the classroom, and always coordinate with them before you visit or volunteer. All classroom volunteers need to sign in and out at the front office, and wear a volunteer badge which can be obtained through the Community Engagement Department. Fingerprints will be taken as part of the process of obtaining your badge. For more info, go to: . The PTA also has several opportunities to volunteer in a non-classroom setting, you can view the list and sign up at

Can we stay and play on the playground after school gets out? Remember that upper grades are still in session at the time of Kindergarten/TK dismissal. Students playing on school grounds during this time can be disruptive to their learning time. If you need to wait for an older sibling, please wait quietly in the courtyard or on the ramp.


My child has food allergies – what does the school do to ensure their safety? Peanut products are not allowed in classrooms at any time. During lunch, students with peanut products are asked to eat at a separate table. If your child has any severe food allergy, please provide the front office with a doctor’s note.

What will happen if there is a medical emergency (sickness, allergic reaction, injury, etc.)? The front office staff are equipped to handle minor medical needs, and will call a parent if the student needs to be taken home for the day. Staff are trained on when a call to emergency services is necessary. Please make sure your emergency contact information is always up-to-date in Powerschool.

What sorts of measures are taken to ensure the safety of my child? School gates are locked during school hours, and only authorized school staff and volunteers with a badge are allowed on campus at those times. Visitors must sign in at the front office before visiting a classroom. Fire, earthquake, and shelter-in-place drills are conducted regularly.