
Order your 2019-2020 yearbook now!

The yearbook was created with an online service called TreeRing. Thanks to the thoughtful folks at TreeRing, getting a nice-looking yearbook is easy, affordable, and even helps raise a small amount of funds for the Olinda PTA. TreeRing also allows you to upload your own photos and design your own unique, private, personal yearbook pages (2 are included in the base price).


High-quality, affordable, delivered to you

The price of the yearbook will be about $18 to 25, plus shipping. The final price will vary depending on whether you choose to order extra personal pages and hard or soft cover. All purchases are made via the TreeRing website (via common web payment options). You will need to create an account with an email and a password.

NOTICE: Due to the Cornoavirus-related school closures, all yearbooks will have to be sent directly to your home. Thankfully, you can send and request virtual signatures including custom messages and images.

How to get your yearbook(s)

Required steps: register, purchase

Optional steps: upload photos, make personal pages, request signatures

Once you register, everything else you will want to do is in the same place on TreeRing. As the screenshots below show, all the important choices are listed in a menu below the school name on the left side of the window. (On a mobile device, the menu is activated by clicking on the three horizontal lines icon.) You must be a parent or student 13 years or older.

1. Register

Olinda passcode: 1015838021092051

Click the following button to register on TreeRing (one-time) and have the Olinda code entered automatically:


Alternatively, download registration instructions.

2. Upload photos

My Photos

Visible only to you; use in your personal pages.

3. Customize your personal pages

This is your chance to put your own unique words and images into your yearbook. This is completely optional. Every yearbook you order includes 2 personal pages in the base price. You can add additional pages, two at a time, for $.99. Note that your child is likely to share their yearbook with other children. Please keep the content of your personal pages appropriate for sharing. The interface for customizing pages is pretty straightforward, with lots of dragging and dropping, but if you need more help, head over to one of the several help pages from TreeRing.

4. Request signatures

Can’t get your classmates to sign your yearbook in person? Fear not, use TreeRing’s virtual signatures, featuring photos or stickers, sending custom signature messages. Note that these are placed on your personal pages.

5. Purchase Yearbook(s)

You are free to purchase at any time, but we recommend doing it by May 1 so that it is guaranteed to be delivered to your home by the last week of school.
